Donnerstag, Januar 18, 2007

The Price to Pay

We angered Mother Earth.
Right now, Europe is getting literally blown away by a storm called Kyrill with 150 km/h. Most of the flights and trains got canceled. In Amsterdam 1600 litre petrol flushed into the sea. Glaciers of Switzerland melted back 700 meter. It's ferbruary and we barley had any minus degrees 'till now. It's about +10°C inspite of -10°C.
Earthquakes, Tsunami, Flooding, Bush Fires... Mother Earth can be as frightful and merciless as beautiful she can be.

I'm afraid. Seriously.
Is this the price we have to pay for living a life of ignorant, toxic waste?
If so, I fear that this is only the beginning...

Let us all pray together, eventhough it might be too late already

Die Welt geht unter und nur wir sind Schuld
Glaube uns, das haben wir nicht gewollt
Weiser, alter Mann, wenn es dich wirklich gibt
dann hilf uns, dann hilf uns!
