Mittwoch, Januar 31, 2007

Find your Pace

What does a child make a child? What does an adult make an adult?

A child is innocent and pure, but also clueless and dependent on others. It doesn't think about the future.
As the child is growing up... it will get faced with choices to make. Rather clumsy and insecure, it will begin to move around in a new world of possibilities; sometimes laughing, sometimes crying.
And as time goes by... the little child becomes experienced, mastering it's own rythm of life. It realised that there will be consequences to it's actions. Whether it sees a clear future yet is not important. What matters is:
It feels safe and secure in what it is doing. This is why it can take it's own steps forward now without regretting anything.

And when the time comes that it is in need of a coffee every morning
...the child has become an adult

Well, for my case, I'm still getting my daily morning caffeine from a can of RedBull; so not totally evolved yet huh? ^_~


Samstag, Januar 27, 2007


A place where we could be our true selves
Someone who would unconditionally accept who we were
People need someone they can truly be selfish with
Someone whom we'd show our weaknesses, and even most embarassing sides.
As long as we look around us...
the place that is always close to us is actually the most precious

And if we know that the persons there will not betray us...
We can tell them a 100 % openly how much we love them


Dienstag, Januar 23, 2007


どんな時でも 皆同じ空の下で過ごしてる
すぐに また 逢える
だっていつも 僕らは繋げっているんだ

僕らはいつも以心伝心 ^_^


Samstag, Januar 20, 2007

Illusion lost

I never thought it would hurt this much
I really didn't ... expect it... to be so serious
Why doesn't the pain go away?
There are things time just can't heal

So it's true, now I'm sure
There is no such thing as fate
You can only depend on yourself

Lesson learnt
I woke up from my dream
Still, I never thought it would hurt this much


Donnerstag, Januar 18, 2007

The Price to Pay

We angered Mother Earth.
Right now, Europe is getting literally blown away by a storm called Kyrill with 150 km/h. Most of the flights and trains got canceled. In Amsterdam 1600 litre petrol flushed into the sea. Glaciers of Switzerland melted back 700 meter. It's ferbruary and we barley had any minus degrees 'till now. It's about +10°C inspite of -10°C.
Earthquakes, Tsunami, Flooding, Bush Fires... Mother Earth can be as frightful and merciless as beautiful she can be.

I'm afraid. Seriously.
Is this the price we have to pay for living a life of ignorant, toxic waste?
If so, I fear that this is only the beginning...

Let us all pray together, eventhough it might be too late already

Die Welt geht unter und nur wir sind Schuld
Glaube uns, das haben wir nicht gewollt
Weiser, alter Mann, wenn es dich wirklich gibt
dann hilf uns, dann hilf uns!


Dienstag, Januar 16, 2007

Dance of Life - Life of Dance

When I was a child, one day, I told my father
I didn't want to become like all these people.
Too boring, you know...
Those salaryman and office ladies you see at stations.
All working at the same pace...
I thought I'd rather die than to grow up to become just like them.
But he said to me:
"That's a step. People live, make a step...
keep on making steps...
and start to dance one day."

So, what I mean is:
Don't give up on daily life,
even if it's not the life you wished for.
And don't give up on yourself
- because you're not doing that bad.



Sonntag, Januar 14, 2007


You know...
Living is the greatest gift of all.
Even if you're unsatisfied
Even if you're down on your knees
Even if you think there is no way out

As long as you live .... as long as you live
there will always be hope

Don't forget there are people out there
to whom being alive is not a given thing
but a serious fight, every day
against pain
against death
against fear

And sometimes, when I think about this
I can't help but crying
for being as arrogant as to not realize how lucky I am


Samstag, Januar 13, 2007

Nice View

This is how it looks when an old chavelin stood too long downstairs in a garage and some young guys stand before the task to get it out of there:



Freitag, Januar 12, 2007

Küss um deine Jugend!

Due to yet another one of these interesting articles about kissing, I've found such a scientific research:

While kissing 38 face muscles get activated! The result: better blood circulation which means less wrinkles!
Other facts:
You normally breathe around 20 times/minute. Kisses however demand 60 and more/minute --> good lung training!
Endophines such as adrenalin, dopamin etc are getting produced the moment lips touch --> Pain is immediatly forgotten!
Kissing is also the best anti-stress therapy since it reduces the production of the stresshormon kortisol.
And finally, you also get a sensual workout: a kiss (a real kiss, not the innocent kind) can burn off up to 18 calories!

In this sense:
Kiss for your health! ^__~ (not of course for the fun!^.~)


Mittwoch, Januar 10, 2007

Don't blame but thank

いつも誰かのせいじゃなくて 誰かのお蔭
だからお前のせいじゃなくて お前のお陰
そう言いえたら君も羽ばたける 金色の空へ

The others are not always to be blamed, but to be thanked
Able of thinking this way
I flew high everywhere with my broken wings
That's why it's not your fault, but thanks to you
When you can think this way
You too will be able to fly into a golden sky


Montag, Januar 08, 2007

Warning (from Kame)



Sonntag, Januar 07, 2007

GoT tHe RhYtHm?!

Because I don't. But what particular rhythm am I actually talking about? I definitively won't be lamenting about shaking your ass around a dance floor, hopping and laughing like an idiot.
I'm talking about my daily rhythm. Let me explain:
I've had holidays for two weeks now. And since I'm a natural no-goodie in getting up early in the morning, holidays always mean a big change. A big change of rhythm!
I wake up around 11 o'clock. No, alarm clocks won't get set when there's no need. So, this is just one of the many following chances for me to turn around, rearrange my cozy blanket and continue to sleep. At 2.30 in the afternoon, bed is finally getting too boring, so I get up. For the next 30 minutes I stand under the shower, washing away all the nicotine from clubbing the night before. Of course with water so hot that you could boil an egg in it! Then, music on an high level on and breakfast (that is, if you didn't go overboard in consuming alcohol. If so, a simple anti-hangover-pill will do). By now, it's around 4 o'clock. So I dress and call some friends to ask about tonights' plans. There's go-karting or shopping, biking, visiting people, diner and finally always a bar or a club. I come home around 3 o'clock in the morning, maybe have a midnight snack with my brother and some friends still not tired. 4 o'clock going into my room. I'm a person who cannot go to bed right away no matter how tired I am. So I'm watching a dorama or read a book and until around 5, I'm finally safe and sound asleep.
This is the present state!
Now to my problem:
In the description above, words like "learning", "university" or "exams" are merely mentioned. Well, actually non existing! But: tomorrow, my holiday will be over T-T So this means:
I have to postpone my sleepy time from 5 o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock in the evening and reduce it from 10 hours to 7. ...
I believe the only solution is to stay awake to whole night tonight! I'll be tired tomorrow at school but I will be able to attain my rhythm again! Shock therapy hip-hip-hooray!


Freitag, Januar 05, 2007

Playing games with the heart

No matter how much you used me
No matter how much was fake
No matter if you've forgotten now
I'll always remember
the feeling of being with you
Maybe I knew from the very beginning
that we weren't meant to be
Still, I need to ask you just one more time
Won't you come home tonight?

But here I am, without you
And realize:
The only ones I truly fear are the ones I truly love
- because they're the only ones who can really hurt me

Yet, deep down inside of me
in my dreams when I'm asleep
in my dreams when I'm awake
I'm still talking to you
drinking at the bar and playing cards

Your memory is bittersweet
and I don't regret... and never will
"Thank you" did you say as we parted
Now it's my turn
...Thank you.... Thank you!


Mittwoch, Januar 03, 2007

Hello Mr. Traveling Man

願うのなら、望むのなら 立ち止らずに進もう
渡り歩く この世界は 時に厳しいけど
まだ見えない まだ知らない 道がそこにあるなら
夢は生まれ ほんの少し 私を強くさせるよ

If you wish for something, if you long for something
then let us make our ways without resting
I wander this world that sometimes really is bitter
But if there's a way you may still cannot see and don't know about yet
then a dream will be born and little by little
it will make me stronger


Montag, Januar 01, 2007

Happy New Year
